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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 24, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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>> as the demonstrations continue, tempers flare, a deal between north and south korea, expected soon. hello david foster, you're watching al jazeera. 7,000 refugees leaving macedonia and continuing their search for a new life in europe. tumbling commodity prices and slow down, drop in chinese stock marks.
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>> protesters are saying deposit policies are making it impossible for them to grow their crops. >> it's all moving rather rapidly. we've learned in the last 15 minutes or so, massive elongated talks have come up with some kind of a deal between north and south korea. 50 submarines had put to sea, far more than any other time in recent memory and the demonstrations as you saw in our opening pictures in south korea protesting against the north have continued. the north was blamed for injuring two south korean soldiers, the south for its part, turning up propaganda loudspeakers, on the border. harry fawcett is our man joining
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us live from seoul. it looks like some deal has been struck. >> reporter: it does indeed. we're hearing in just a couple minutes time we're going to hear a press conference from the man who led the delegation, there are leaks appearing on the news agency which say there will be an agreement announced, some of the details, we can't verify until we hear from the man hisms himself have been leaked to the news agency, there's likely to be some kind of expression of regret from north korea, over what it is not known yet, president park geun-hye said she wanted a clear apology from north korea, that is something that's extremely difficult to
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get. if they get that that's going to be a coup for the other side. they are going to stop these propaganda broacts from the broe south if they get that. families separated from the end of the korean war, the south has been pressing for further family reunion events for some time now. there is indication that that is also part of this deal. and as well as that, that there could be some kind of expression of regret. as i say from north korea. buttists interesting in the korean language it is possible to express regret without actually giving sort of ownership to that regret. saying it is regrettable. given the fact that park geun-hye made this public demand
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from north korea. we wait to find out. >> the lines that you refer to these leaks harry where this is taking place, then the south koreans have agreed at least implicitly, saying enough is enough. we've gone far enough and both sides are happy to back down. >> i'm not sure the south would admit to having gone too far in public but we are about to hear from kim qoon gin himself. i'm not sure if you guys have any translation from your part, but our translator will tell us exactly what is being said. it would seem these leaks coming out as they have been in such free flowing fashion will happen in just a few minutes. would suggest that south korea has got enough from the north to
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make some sort of announcement right now. >> harry, we'll let you guys listen in and coming com back to us as soon as you think it's worth reporting any more than we have already. thank you very much, harry fawcett, there in seoul. moving on to other news. lines of refugees many of them from syria are tracking to southern serbia and onto north to hungary. new strategy to tackle the refugee crisis labeling a humanitarian disaster. on the serbian side of the border with macedonia. >> reporter: i saw actually one camp which is roughly one kilometer behind me which is being guarded by the police but i haven't seen any bashed wire any fence any kind of tensions between roughly 100 serbian police officers and border
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police and several hundred of migrants. what is happening is that those people are being gathered there at that location and then taken on foot to the location behind me. one u.n. hcr bus and shipping these refugees and illegal migrants from this place to five kilometers north from here. i've seen a number of relatively happy faces among refugees and migrants. they are happy because at the crossed another hurdle on their way to the eu. they feel mas macedonia is behid them, that horrible thing that happened at the border, is behind them. they feel safe because here to the eu there is only one more border ahead. and i think that's a very, very good sign for them.
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they are happy because of that. >> austria's foreign minister is calling it a humanitarian disaster. the border between macedonia and greece the scene of a violent crack down by police over the weekend. andrew simmons is on the macedonian side of the border with greece. >> reporter: in the heat of macedonia's border with greece, the pathway may be open again, the pace of their journeys may have quickened politicians are bogged down in arguments. macedonia's interior minister defended the decision to close the border last week. here too, austria's foreign minister talking about what the european union was or wasn't doing about the situation right now. in the brief time they spent with refugees, an oil engineer
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from syria wanted to get a word in. >> to solve this problem for syrian refugees, why dit make it all on syria? >> youngest foreign minister didn't have an answer to that question. macedonia's interior minister blamed greece saying it didn't have any controls or security on its border. >> translator: our intention was not to close the border but to protect it. >> reporter: this was confrontation with refugees in humanitarian terms surely it was a disaster. >> translator: our efforts were motivated by the humanitarian situation. >> it's also the fault of greece. if there is no support for the refugees there. >> what are you going to do apart from blaming greece? >> we have a meeting with all the western balkan countries and representatives from the european union.
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>> that has all been heard before. limb change except these people, away from cities and towns of macedonia. so as the political talking goes on in berlin, brussels and other european capitals, the reality is after the violence in the border there is a primitive reception center on the border and will lead to more on this route moving the humanitarian crisis further up much the lineo other countries. andrew simmons. al jazeera. >> his take right now. >> they're continuously boarding trains and getting into buses out of macedonia, that is the policy of this government. now they want to hear from europe as to how they'll help them pay for all of this. because there is no real policy here.
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there's no way of actually dealing with the humanitarian situation or the logistical one. right now macedonia is planning to carry on this way, moving people away, but solutions that's down to europe and so far they've failed to get any solution to this problem. >> so macedonia has opened its border with greece but border guards are only letting through very small groups. they want to prevent some kind of rush, crush. jonah hull sends us this report from where more and more people are arriving every day. >> here on the greek side of the border it is busy but for the moment, a system seems to be working. more coming all the time. they are able to access basic aid, food, water, shelter, before continuing their journey
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and on this side you can see up there on the railway tracks a group of people waiting. macedonian police in front of them, razor wire here. a couple of hundred meters to the railway station. this is an absolutely unrelenting flow of people. to give you an idea of what is happening in the south of the country a few hundred kilometers away on the islands of the aegean, some 900 people, growing by a number of 100,000 every day. those people arrive here within hours of being dropped off at the athens port of piraeus. an unending flow of people making their way through greece into macedonia and on wards to
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serbia. >> so to our correspondents in that area. now migrants is been fighting with police in mil milan. unaccompanied minors they're picking up at sea, nearly 5,000 people in operations on the mediterranean. i had a chance to talk to volker turk, talking to me a short while ago, he said european countries must do more to help the european refugees. >> our team on the ground. we have talked to refugees who are on the move. we are extremely concerned about their plight. we tried as much as we can to provide support and assistance. we provide food, water and shelter. but it's clear that on european territory you have the
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responsibility of european states. first and foremost. as you know, we work in the worst crisis situations around the world. we hardly have the funding even to work in the neighboring countries around syria or south sudan. it's clear that europe needs to assume that responsibility in its fullest, including the solidarity measures that these people require. >> that is voelker turk, speaking to me a few moments ago. stay with us if you can, lucrative property development in crimea. and i.s.i.l. ruins another heritage site. e.
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>> "inside story" takes you beyond the headlines, beyond the quick cuts, beyond the sound bites. we're giving you a deeper dive into the stories that are making our world what it is. >> ray suarez hosts "inside story". only on al jazeera america.
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>> these are the global headlines. in a stunning diplomatic move, talks between north and south korea appear to have ended in agreement. says pyongyang expresses regret for recent happenings. and north and south korea say they will push for reunion of families who were torn poorlt from the watorn apartfrom the w. >> concerns about china's economy, indeed, markets worldwide have seen big losses after a major overnight slump in china. picture is pretty similar.
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attempts by beijing to stop all this from happening just haven't worked yet. adrian brown reports. >> the share selloff began within minutes of the shanghai stock exchange opening. recovered only slightly. some of the world's biggest countries are listed here. omonday the government announced a new and risky attempt to prop up the economy from the state retirement fund. >> translator: how can the markets drop every day like this, one two three four five, the market dropped for five days and never rose back. >> many borrowed to buy shares and are now being forced to sell those shares to pay back the loans. >> translator: the chinese market aims to eliminate the middle class. after eliminating the middle
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class, the middle class will have no purchasing power and the market won't be flourishing. >> reporter: worse still, the value of their pensions could be at risk if the markets decline continues. >> i think the government confronted this issue properly. >> every effort to rescue the market has failed. since june the shanghai index has lost 30% of its value and analysts warn the decline is likely to continue. once more the drop in chinese shares dragged down markets across the asia pacific region. the fear the slow down in china's economy is worse than what the government is letting on. the hang seng closed down more than five points. the region's tokyo market ended
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under 5% as well. sixth consecutive loss and australia was down more than 4%. what all these markets disprild needesperately need but don't he is investor confidence. adrian brown, al jazeera. >> gabrielle, adrian pointed out the chinese market down 30% since june. what he didn't add, it had gone up by 140% in little over a year. so a correction, perhaps. what is the sense, of what is happening in new york? similar things or just falling? >> no, very similar. it's falling. the question is, this is a correction, that's what everybody is saying. the question is, is this a short term correction or is it a long term correction? and that's what no one really
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has the answer to right now. clearly from the volatile day we've had in new york in the stock exchange, it's very much a day that was sell sell sell, now it's buy buy buy. it's almost made up all the losses the dow since the opening over a thousand points losses when the market opened up. so it's definitely an issue of a market correction but last time we saw something like this, april 2011. but it's two different things compared now to then. then, the u.s. unemployment rate was 9% back in april 2011. today it's 5%. the economy on much more sostled footing. the chinese economy was on better footing in 2011 than it is today. >> and people have made a packet when they picked up stocks that were at a bargain.
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it's a round-about. aside from the stock markets what about commodities, we're talking oil, met's, the things that are used in manufacturing, the things that have gone down a lot is chinese manufacturing is shrinking a little bit. what do you feel looking about the board about this? >> well, commodity prices have been going down since 2011. however, stock markets have not reflected that. the stock markets, the markets around the world have not reflected that at all, really. so what you've basically seen is seen not reflecting the real economy. that was the same in 2008 as well during the economic crisis then, the markets weren't reflecting that and the markets are supposed to show the future of an economy not the past or not the present, so to speak. so we are seeing this not only here but we're seeing it reflect in real lives of people, for instance brazil heavily
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dependent commodity country and china, commodity is in terrible state right now. these commodity issues have had an effect beyond here, beyond the market so to speak, have an effect on real people's lives. here in the united states unemployment vaims at abou remat not affected the commodity prices right now. >> thank you very much from the new york stock exchange. after days to try to stop the escalating crisis between north and south korea. harry fawcett joining us from seoul. harry when we last spoke you were going to have a chance to listen to the national security advisor, the man who was leading these talks. we didn't have a translator so we let you get on to it.
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what can you tell us now? >> it's a six point agreement that's been reached, the hub of this whole restriction has been the issue of the land mine blasts thatched earlier this month in which two south korean soldiers were seriously injured in the southern side of the demilitarized zone. the south was demanding an apology as president park geun-hye demanded. we have an expression of regret, which is a pretty substantial thing for them to say. whether it will be judged as a full apology remains to be seen. the national security advisor said it was very significant that the north had apologized and promised to prevent a recurrence. also said that the north discovered with this government it could not provoke and then expect concessions, that the
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south korean side had stood by this demand for an apology over the land mine incident. so to take the other points in turn, it says that in order to improve relations there will be further discussions between the governments as soon as possible, either in pyongyang or seoul rather than at the dmz then the expression of regret then south korea in the absence of normal relation will seas thes cease te broadcasts. north korea says it will end its quasiwar status. and family reunions, there will be preparations to try the get some family reunions between separated families in late september and there will be red cross discussions to try and facilitfacilityfacilitfast silf.
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>> harry fawcett, there in seoul. one of syria's most important and best preserved historical sites has now been destroyed by i.s.i.l. the temple of baalshamin has been reported to be bombed on sunday, built 2,000 years ago. two ancient shrines which the group says are pagan and
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sacreligious. , many showed signs of chemical weapon exposure, wheezing coughing and redness of the eyes. been under bomb bom bardmen bomr a year. it's been a year since russia has annexed crimea from ukraine. strained relationship with the kremlin, moscow may use complaints to flex its muscles. >> occupiers they call the men who come in the night, to block off public paths, pull down
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electricity cables, demolish garden walls and shut off water supply to houses. this they're convinced is all part of an illegal land grab by corrupt local officials for the development of luxury homes along this dramatic coastline. >> translator: all the people here have property and influence in crimea during ukrainian times, rich people. they very quickly became part of the russian system and can successfully protect their interests. they don't want to change anything like their plans to seize land here. >> reporter: locals are fighting back all over crimea using video and social media to raise the profile of their campaign. and intense throughout the region signatures are being gathered for an anticorruption petition to be sent to president vladimir putin. 15,000 or so people have signed it so far. but it seems like the kremlin is already paying attention.
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putin's visit last week included an instruction to the prime minister to throw out the bad apples. these are the faces of federal officials already charged by authorities from list of crimes to accepting bribes to embezzling government money. an obvious warning. >> translator: the federal authorities are seriously concerned about the way things are in crimea for one simple reason. the fsb or the federal structure dealing with state security and the challenges we see in crimea are a challenge to russian statehood. >> the last thing they want is for the peninsula's playing by their own rules. they deny there's a rift with moscow. >> translator: there are instances where crimean elite, it's pretty difficult to change
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from ukrainian practices to russian ones, maybe that's why i don't want to say conflict but local disputes. >> reporter: hundreds of millions are being pumped into crimea. many hope that being with russia would put behind them the years of corruption. but they're still waiting. rory challands, al jazeera, crimea. protesters from the ethnic group want a separate state and a new constitution which is being finalized in the constituent assembly. police say they were attacked by the demonstrators with spears, knives and stones. president francois hollande presented the lean on de honor
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medal. u.s. airman spencer stone was hurt in that attack. is where you'll find all those stories and a great deal more. >> a volatile day for the stock market. the dow climbs back after falling a thousand points at the opening bell. receiving france's top honor, three americans played for stopping a gunman on a train. and a new round of wildfires, the weather could make the situation worse.